Combat Earplugs
3M Corporation may soon be paying out BILLIONS OF $$ to soldiers and veterans
-Exploitation of our troops
-Greed and fraudulent misrepresentation
-Knowingly supplying US Military with faulty equipment
-Soldiers and veterans with unnecessary hearing loss or tinnitus

This is not a joke! These are not VA disability claims nor a class action.
Loss of hearing is a severe injury and LARGE CASH SETTLEMENTS will be sought for each client.
For years 3M, which is a one-hundred-billion-dollar corporation, knowingly misrepresented the integrity of their Combat Arms Ear Plugs™. 3M knew these plugs didn’t work as early as 2000 yet continued to offer false assurances while making millions of dollars selling them to the US Military from 2002 through 2015. 3M will now be held accountable for greed and the exploitation of our troops. Time is limited to assert your claim so don’t put this off. Contact us today to discuss your situation and begin planning your best course of action.